Retrato da série 'As Mulheres de Lá', de Fernanda Feher

Art needs identity

Artist-in-residence at Pivô research program, Fernanda Feher only found herself when she united art with militancy
Octógono da pinacoteca de São Paulo

Pinacoteca reviews and updates Beuys and Oiticica

Exhibition Somos muit+s: experiments on collectivity brings 20th century artists who repositioned art in dialogue with current projects

Working with memory is working with present

Portuguese curator João Fernandes, new artistic director of the Moreira Salles Institute – ims, wants to work with the institution’s collections to reflect the current times

IMS attests affection and defense of the yanomami

Claudia Andujar’s second show at the institution brings her commitment to the indigenous cause in exemplary research

I am reflected in my work

Grada Kilomba assumes personal positioning as a way of counteracting colonialist culture; Portuguese artist launches book and participates in exhibitions at Pinacoteca

FAMA takes art brut to Itu

With the opening of Bispo do Rosário exhibition, art as worldbuilding seminar takes to itu discussions around art brut, or outsider art, and presents international artists and experts integrating the movement

Vaivém deals with Brazilian culture beyond art

Exhibition curated by Raphael Fonseca addresses the hammock under multiple perspectives in CCBB

From New York to Paris

Artist participated in a residence in New York at AnnexB, and will have works exhibited at the Fondation Cartier in Paris later this year

Stephen Dean, the color as a connection of the look

The Franco-American artist works dicroic glass with saturation, reflexivity and transparency.

The restoration and preservation of the works By Bispo do Rosário...

Artist is currently considered one of the exponents of contemporary Brazilian art, along with important names like Lygia Clark and Hélio Oiticica