Início Buscar

sp arte - resultados da busca

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FAMA takes art brut to Itu

With the opening of Bispo do Rosário exhibition, art as worldbuilding seminar takes to itu discussions around art brut, or outsider art, and presents international artists and experts integrating the movement

ArtRio in movement

With the departure of two partners, the fair is only captained by Brenda Valansi and makes Marina da Gloria its home

Working with memory is working with present

Portuguese curator João Fernandes, new artistic director of the Moreira Salles Institute – ims, wants to work with the institution’s collections to reflect the current times
Octógono da pinacoteca de São Paulo

Pinacoteca reviews and updates Beuys and Oiticica

Exhibition Somos muit+s: experiments on collectivity brings 20th century artists who repositioned art in dialogue with current projects

Nas veredas do sertão

36th Panorama da Arte Brasileira occupies the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM–SP) with works that propose experiences outside the major urban centers

Improvisation as a method

interview with randolpho lamonier, artist from Minas Gerais participating in the 36th panorama da arte brasileira

Artistic practice as historian practice

Curated by Ana Pato, Meta–Arquivo exhibition brings together unseen works by nine artists and collectives from archival research on the Brazilian military dictatorship

Photography of the memory

With works on the resistance to the Salazarist dictatorship in Portugal, Operation Condor in South America and Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro, Portuguese photographer João Pina deals with, from records, the past history and trauma

Adriana Varejão: For a cannibal rhetoric

The exhibition markes the first solo show by artist in the northeast, territory of strong baroque heritage and colonial slavery
Nheë Nheë Nheë

Nheë Nheë nheë, genealogy of the tropical leisure

Ludic, brave and existential, Márcio Almeida recommends the leisure to come to a creative moment of truth