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called a ‘new breed of biennials’, challenging the centralizing   was present. Interesting concepts were extracted from this
               paradigm of Venice. In other words, it started the era of the   theoretical part run by Mosquera, such as “cimarronagem”,
               biennial international all over the world.”          which is explained by the curator as something derived from
               The first statement was made by Llilian Llanes, organiser, along   René Depestre’s research. “The cimarrons were African slaves
               with then Minister of Culture Armando Hart, of the second   who fled to live in the mountain. They were very important
               edition of the Bienal de La Habana. The second reflection is   in Brazil, Jamaica and, mainly, in Suriname, where they
               from Gerardo Mosquera, who took care of the theoretical   retain until today some companies organized in the jungle.
               events of this experience. It is this second statement that   I believe that it was Depestre who used the word ‘cultural
               identifies the Biennial of 1986 as a pioneer in covering artists  cimarronagem’ to refer to actions of cultural defiance facing
               from countries not previously considered in the international   the dominant power.” Foreign intellectuals were invited for
               art circuit, which possibly justifies its inclusion in this series   the meetings, such as Dore Ashton, who not only brought
               of ARTE!Brasileiros as the inaugural exhibition of a selection   her knowledge to the discussion but also went to the dance
               of historical exhibitions.                           floor. “She was accompanied by her husband, an Israeli writer,
               The second edition of the Bienal de la Habana was effectively  and one night my wife and I took them to see the show of
               inclusive with nations of Latin America and the Caribbean and  Tropicana and dance.” The scholars are serious, yes, but they
               also of Africa and Asia, with the presence of countries such   can dance, especially if they are in Cuba. And she was not the
               as Angola, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Iran, Iraq,   only North American presence in Havana. Another success
               Sudan and Zaire. “In the beginning there was criticism in Latin  of this Biennial was the exhibition of Por Cima do Bloqueio
               America regarding the opening of the event to those other   (Above the Blockade), organized by artists from the United
               regions, as they did ‘not possess contemporary art’. Given   States that led, for the first time, their art to Cuba.
               that ill prejudice, I thought I should say to those who thought  In retrospect, one of the few “lower points” of this event
               that way that they kept in relation to Africa and Asia the same   was to keep granting awards to artists, which in this case
               attitude that Europeans did about us,” said Llanes. We display   were for Lani Maestro (Philippines), Antonio Ole (Angola),
               during one month more than 2,400 works of 690 artists from  Marta Palau (Mexico), Carlos Capelán (Uruguay) and José
               57 countries (among others, Luis Camnitzer, Juan Downey,   Bedia (Cuba). It was something that was corrected from the
               Paz Errázuriz, Juan Francisco Elso, Helen Escobedo, Graciela   third edition on, according to Nelson Herrera Isla, in charge
               Iturbide, Cildo Meireles, Manuel Mendive Hoyos, Liliana Porter   of mounting of the Biennial: “The focus was on the land of
               and Cecilia Vicuña). We were granted ten awards. It was   healthy confrontation, dialogue and ways to go along together,
               the first big artistic event that spoke about the effects of   and not on obtaining awards “.
               globalization, three years before the exhibition Magiciens de
               la Terre (France), eight years before Cocido y Crudo (Spain)   1 | DRAWINGS,  PAINTINGS,  PERFORMANCE,  CATALOG  COVER  AND  MUSICAL
               and more than ten years before the Biennial of Johannesburg   PRESENTATION (WITH CHICO BUARQUE AND PABLO MILANÉS) THAT MARKED THE
               and dOCUMENTA of Okwui Enwezor. It advanced in themes   1986 EVENT IN HAVANA
               that were later central in large exhibitions in not hegemonic
               centres of production, as post colonialism. Curator Carlos   2 | VISITORS STROLL AROUND ONE OF THE GREAT INSTALLATIONS PRESENTED IN
               Basualdo emphasizes the difference between the referential   THE CUBAN EVENT
               European biennial and its American version: “Venice was
               originally designed based on a universal ideology clearly   1 “La institución inestable”, in What Makes a Great Exhibition? Paula

               related to the European colonialism; Havana, in contrast, was  Marincola ed. Philadelphia exhibitions initiative, 2011.
               the scene of an ideological project that was diametrically   2  Biennial presentation text included in the event catalog.
               opposed to that.”                                    3  Revista Atlántica, “Arte, Sociedad, y Bienal de la Habana”, Herrera, Nelson.
               It’s by this binding character of experiments and works of art   Atlantic Centre of Modern Art, 2007
               from peripheral countries that this Biennial was considered
               the “Biennial of the Third World.” But there was also an aspect  COLLECTIONS PATRICIA PHELPS DE CISNEROS | PAGES 88 TO 90
               that went further: the ideological Armando Hart wrote: “In 1981
               guidance regarding East/West relations in world politics and  MOMA RECEIVES 140 LATIN
               the Reagan administration started, along with its doctrinal
               capitalists cities create models of a universal art. Without  AMERICAN WORKS FROM
               its belligerence towards Cuba and Nicaragua. (…) The large
               belittling the universal values that exist in some of these
               productions - whose critic assimilation can’t be rejected - it   THE CISNEROS COLLECTION
               is correct to state that they marginalize the rich artistic
               production of the countries of the Third World.” Hart was   VENEZUELAN COLLECTOR ALSO SPONSORS THE ESTABLISHMENT
               clear about the objective of the second Bienal de La Habana:   OF A LATIN AMERICAN ART RESEARCH INSTITUTE
               “Our purpose is confront them internationally without isolate
               ourselves. Our problem is to stop this production of a universal  BY FABIO CYPRIANO
               culture that has been hegemonically implanted and created
               without our participation.”                          OCTOBER 17 was a remarkable day for Latin American art at
               For Llilian Llanes, someone who was maybe more detached   the Museum of Modern Art in New York, MoMA. In the words of
               from  politics  than  the  former  Minister  of  Culture,  the   the director: “There is no historical precedent here to compare
               ideological aspect wasn’t in the programme. But the idea of   the donation of 102 works by Patricia Phelps Cisneros,” said
               a decentralised event, composed of music concerts (such as   Glenn Lowry to a packed auditorium.
               the inaugural, with Chico Buarque, Mercedes Sosa and Pablo   Of the approximately 150,000 works of the museum, Latin
               Milanés), parallel exhibitions, meetings, conferences and   America is represented by six thousand diversified works
               workshops that happened in different locations in Havana,   among Film and Video, Performance, Painting, Photography,

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