Page 112 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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             IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION of a Rio de Janeiro newspaper,  The video is one of the most direct pieces on the show and serves to
             among listings of cars and real estate, an advertisement published   contextualize the process. The curator comments on the dilemmas
             in 2016 differentiates from the others. With the sentence “I offer  to formalize the artist’s works, which are mostly immaterial: “Anna
             company,” a woman gives time for those in need of “moral   has a whole production focused mainly on relationships. Our greatest
             support, help cutting red tape, listening of crises.” All that asking   challenge was transforming experiences into objects.”
             nothing in exchange.                                Another alternative adopted was including 40 monocles with the
             The ad is part of the project I Offer Company, which the artist   phrases from the dialogues the artist kept with the participants. To
             Anna Costa e Silva based in Rio de Janeiro presents at the   Anna, this solution maintained the intimacy of the conversations: “I
             Superfície gallery, in São Paulo. Interested in the art of the   didn’t want to show the stories in completely exposed fashion. This
             encounter, Anna met with 33 people to help in impossible tasks  way (with the monocles) just one person at a time can look at them.”
             – from organizing computer files to talking about love.   Far beyond the final result, the artist’s interest lies on the encounters,
             The exhibition, curated by Bernardo Mosqueira, is comprised   which she describes as overwhelming. “At a certain level, the work
             of the registers of these meetings. With a minimalist tone, in a   existed for the 33 people and, in a different way, as traces of these
             small, cozy room, are featured one video, photos, an appointment  experiences,” she reflects.
             book, two artist’s books and 40 monocles with phrases from
             dialogues that resulted from the experience.        1 | ONE OF THE 40 MONOCLES PART OF THE EXHIBITION BY ANNA COSTA E SILVA
             With a degree in Cinema, Anna is accustomed to exploring the
             connections of theater and visual arts. She says that, during   2 | ADVERTISEMENT THE ARTIST PLACED ON THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OF THE NEWSPAPER
             the 21 days she dedicated to the project, she had no idea of   O GLOBO
             what would happen. “I jumped in without a plan. I wanted to
             know how each person lived their lives, what are these worlds   I Offer Company
             out there that I would never have access if not through this   Through March 11, 2017
             project,” she claims.                               Galeria Superfície
             During the period of the experiment, the artist also baby-sat,  Rua Oscar Freire, 240, São Paulo, SP
             walked dogs and, of course, talked about people’s lives. Love,  +55 11 3062-3576
             for instance, was one an ever-present topic in the dialogues.
             “I think everyone wants to talk about love, right?,” she asks.   HISTORY OF EXHIBITIONS PANAMA | PAGES 68 TO 70
             In one of the cases, Anna helped a woman who had ended her
             belongings. “In many of these meetings there was a play between  RESISTANCE AND
             relationship organizing her home and removing her ex-boyfriend’s
             When she recalls the conversations, she mentions the case of  PERTINENCE IN PANAMA
             the practical and the existential,” she ponders.
             a girl from Rio Grande do Sul that impressed her a great deal.
             Soon after their first contacts, the woman told she had been  THE INCENDIARY EXHIBITION THAT IN 2003 RECONCILED RIVAL GANGS,
             raped by her own father. While I listened to her, I could only   BUT SPARKED CONFLICTS AMONG POWERFUL CHARACTERS AND ARTISTS
             think, “My God, this is very serious, I have no background to
             deal with this sort of thing.”                      BY JUAN JOSÉ SANTOS
             Another case she recalls is that of a man who wanted to talk
             about a specific project. It was a letter he had written to his   FROM MARCH 20 THROUGH APRIL 20, 2003, the streets of
             ex-boyfriend, using his own blood as ink. “He came up with a   Panama City were “looted”, Henry Morgan-style, by a group of
             mechanism to draw his blood and managed to write the letter   artists/pirates summoned by Gerardo Mosquera and Adrienne
             which, so far, he hasn’t sent,” says Anna.          Samos.
             In this process, the artist went through scary moments. On   CiudadMULTIPLEcity was a street show, rebellious and confrontational.
             the very first day, a person, who she classifies as psychopath,   Problematic for the public authorities, who denied permissions and
             sent messages inviting her to go to a motel. A man also tried   even removed works that had already been previously authorized.
             clutching her during a conversation.                There were also protests by the public sector, which threatened to
             “One day I met a guy at five in the morning and started thinking  illegally remove works.
             that it could be dangerous, but it turned out fine. On the   The exhibition was deemed a nuisance to Panamanian authorities,
             other hand, I also could be seen as a threat. After all, I was a   who were intolerant to a set of artworks in the urban space.
             complete stranger. I think the fact that I exposed myself was   Undoubtedly, the fact that they were not being shown in a museum
             also a guarantee for me to get close to people,” she claims.  or a cultural center sparked this reaction.
             The purpose of the artist was to create breaches in the everyday  But the curators’ and artists’ intentions were different: following
             life, proposing new forms of coexistence. In the beginning of the   country’s recent and convoluted past, the idea was to inflame, pick a
             project, Anna shot a call she made to the classifieds department  fight or, at least, to make a satire of the local history, a reflection on
             of the newspaper O Globo. On the video, the viewers can see the  the city’s shared spaces and a chance to exercise collective thinking.

             artist explaining the ad she wanted to place. Failing to understand  “Even if the fire never penetrated the place, the bureaucratic
             what the artist intended, the attendant asks: “But lady, what’s   relinquishment, the endemic lack of governmental resources and
             the intention?” She replies that there is not a specific purpose.  overall disinterest in preserving history’s living features revealed
             Impatient, the employee says that it will not be possible to place   a space that looked like the result of a terrible catastrophe.” These
             this sort of ad.                                    words were written by Alberto Gualde, witness to Gustavo Artigas’s
             The attendant’s behavior surprised the artist. “Her reaction   artistic action, which simulated, with the assistance of firefighters,
             was a metaphor to an entire system of beliefs and values we   a fire in Panama’s City Hall.
             are accustomed to. It was an aggressive response, as if offering  Artigas was, together with Brooke Alfaro, Francis Alÿs & Rafael
             company was something offensive, deemed untrustworthy,”   Ortega, Ghada Amer, Gustavo Araújo, Artway of Thinking (Stefania
             she reflects.                                        Mantovani & Federica Thiene), Yoan Capote, Cildo Meireles, Juan

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