Page 110 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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             TWO YEAR AGO, the then director of Museu de Arte do Rio,   In the work Razão/Loucura (Reason/Madness, 1976), Cildo Meireles,
             Paulo Herkenhoff, conceived a show that stemmed from the   who redone it especially for the exhibition, even broke some bamboo
             hypothesis that there was a thin line between sanity and   rods by tensing them. The work is a diptych. In Reason, there is a
             madness, sense and dissent, or even nonsense.       key tied to a chain out of the reach of a padlock. In Madness, the
             By his invitation, Tania Rivera, psychoanalyst whose doctorate   chain goes beyond the padlock and is therefore able to open it.
             thesis in Belgium was about psychosis, conducted, over these   Another axis to consider the exhibition was the importance of
             two years, a research that puts in contact works produced by   discussing the segregation of the artist who is a psychiatric patient
             psychiatric patients and pieces of established artists whose   regarding the market. “The idea of why Clovis (patient and artist at
             production refuse to follow the orthodox representation or   the studio Gaia) would be segregated for being a poor psychiatric
             question what is called insanity.                   patient.” To him, his sculptures are living. On the image, the
             The corollary to this trajectory is the exhibition Places of
             Delirium, on show through July 16. The show features over   sculpture has the topology of a car, although to Clovis it is not.
             150 works, among installations, performances, paintings,   To the artist, “the car is a heart.” The Studio Gaia is run in Museu
             sculptures and drawings, including works by Fernando Diniz,   Bispo do Rosário, where patients occupy a space for creation and
             Raphael Domingues and Geraldo Lucio Aragão, from Museu do   earn an income from the sales of the pieces. Luiz Carlos Marques,
             Inconsciente (Museum of the Unconscious), created in 1952, at   another patient at Gaia, shows his work in notebooks and talks
             the former National Psychiatric Center, in Engenho de Dentro,  about the work as a provocation. “See, it (the notebook) starts
             by psychiatrist Nise da Silveira, who considered schizophrenia  in a way and then spins, and you see the same images upside-
             one of the “innumerable states of being.”           down,” he explains. “It is a turned page, a provocation.” Drawings
             What is delirious about art and what reflection on art there   and works by students and patients from the French educator
             is in madness were topics directing the research. Another   Fernand Deligny, who influenced authors such as Gilles Deleuze
             focal point was attempting to break the confinement of the   and Guatarri, dialogue, along the hall’s diagonal axis, with the webs
             psychiatric patient’s pieces and discussing their representation   by the artist Carlos Bevilacqua. The videos by the psychoanalyst
             in parallel to the art exhibited in the traditional circuits of   Miriam Chnaiderman, Dizem que Sou Louco (They Say I’m Crazy),
             galleries and museums.                              produced in 1994, and by Dora Garcia, Maioria Desviante – de
             “Art always seems to escape the norm, that is, the routine and rules   Basaglia ao Brasil (Deviant Majority – from Basaglia to Brasil,
             that limit our shared reality. It opens windows in the everyday life   2010), show the attention and vastness of the research.
             and invites us to build new worlds,” elaborates the curator. “The   Works by Lula Vanderley, Leonilson, Ana Linnemann and Laura Lima
             intention is to suspend the limits between the normal and the
             so-called ‘insane.’ Art and madness have in common the strength   are side by side with the sculptures by Clovis, Luiz Carlos Marques and
             to transform reality,” she adds. “I wound up selecting pieces by   Fernando Lima, patients from Gaia and Belém’s Psychosocial Support
             Bispo do Rosário, for instance, connected to his production with   Center (CAPS). Reason, intention, expressionism, images from the
             boats. On the sea, we need boats so we don’t sink,” she says,   neo-concretism and constructive delirium emerge contaminated.
             making an association of the word “mar” (sea) and the initials of   All on the same boat, they move us and let in a breath of fresh air
             the museum where the exhibition is being held (MAR).   to the idea of inclusion.
             Tania recalls that boats are frequent in the imagery of madness,
             as in excerpts that Foucault dedicated to his A History of Insanity  1 |  O MAR VAI VIRAR SERTÃO (THE SEA WILL TURN INTO SERTÃO, 2016), BERNARDO DAMASCENO,
             in the Age of Reason, a study on the rejection and persecution of  WOODEN BOATS, MINIATURE PERFUMES, TULLE, LAVENDER ESSENCE. COLLECTION OF THE
             the “non-equal.” “It is for the other world that the madman sets   ARTIST
             sail in his fools’ boat; it is from the other world that he comes
             when he disembarks. The madman’s voyage is at once a rigorous  2 | TOP, VÓS HABITANTES DO PLANETA TERRA, EU APRESENTO SUAS NAÇÕES/ A HISTÓRIA
             division and an absolute passage. In one sense, it simply develops,   UNIVERSAL E VINTE E UM VELEIROS, BOTH BY ARTHUR BISPO DO ROSÁRIO. RIGHT, SHIPS,
             across a half-real, half-imaginary geography, the madman’s   MAURICIO FLANDEIRO. BOTTOM, SEM TÍTULO, BY CLOVIS, CARDBOARD, TAPE AND PAPIER MÂCHÉ
             liminal position on the horizon of medieval concern – a position
             symbolized and made real at the same time by the madman’s   3 | ULTRAULTRA, FOR THE OPEN HOUSE SERIES, JOSÉ BECHARA. SCULPTURE/CUBES AND
             privilege of being confined within the city gates: his exclusion   OBJECTS, VINYL PAINT ON BALSA WOOD
             must enclose him; if he cannot and must not have another prison
             than the threshold itself, he is kept at the point of passage. He is   4 |  REASON/MADNESS (1976/2017), CILDO MEIRELES. BAMBOO, METAL CHAINS, PADLOCK AND
             put in the interior of the exterior, and inversely A highly symbolic   KEY, COLLECTION OF THE ARTIST. OPPOSITE, DETAILS OF THE WORK
             position, which will doubtless remain his until our own day, if we
             are willing to admit that what was formerly a visible fortress of   5 |  BOW AND ARROW “ORFA”, NO DATE, ARTHUR BISPO DO ROSÁRIO, WOOD, STRING, LINE
             order has now become the castle of our conscience,” from the   AND THREAD
             edition of Editora Perspectiva S.A. 1978 (Foucault, p. 17, 1972).
             Side by side to the boats of Arthur Bispo do Rosário (1911-1989)
             – a psychiatric patient diagnosed as schizophrenic-paranoid and   6 |  PÁGINA VIRADA CADERNOS DE DESENHO, LUIZ CARLOS MARQUES
             was an inpatient for 50 years at the Colônia Juliano Moreira,
             in Rio de Janeiro, and has left an invaluable oeuvre, today in   7 | TOP, DE ONDE EU TE VEJO VOCÊ NÃO ME OLHA (2016), CARLOS BEVILACQUA, WOOD,
             the Museu do Inconsciente – is the installation by Bernardo   STAINLESS STEEL AND QUARTZ. OPPOSITE, L’ARACHNÉEN EDITORIAL, CARTES ET LIGNES
             Damasceno, o Mar Vai Virar Sertão, a wordplay with his original   D’ERRE – TRACES DU RÉSEAU (2013), BOOK BY FERNAND DELIGNY, 22 X 28,5 CM
             work O Sertão Vai Virar Mar, exhibited at Dragão do Mar, in
             Fortaleza. Together, the works refer to the sentence “O sertão   Places of Delirium
             vai virar mar e o mar vai virar sertão” (“The sertão will turn into  Through Jun 18
             sea and the sea will turn into sertão,” credited to the religious   Museu de Arte do Rio
             leader Antonio Conselheiro. The former’s delirium and the latter’s  Praça Mauá, 5, Centro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
             fantasy meet in the same conceptual language.       +55 21 3031-2741

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