Page 106 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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             pressured cultural institutions to take a stance against the war    For the researcher, the difference is that, previously, social and
             and the military decisions of the recently elected president,   political criticism were implicit in the artworks themselves. “Today
             Richard Nixon.                                      the resistance is much more present in the activism than in the works
             Nearly fifty years after the episode, American artists once again   themselves. When the artist says “Temer Out,” he is not producing
             take up more direct political stances, rallying against the actions  an aesthetic object, it’s a movement. There are few productions
             of the Republican Donald Trump, who took office as president of   that address this.”
             the United States on January 20, and shortly after set in motion   Chaia believes that this transformation is neither positive nor
             several of his socially and economically discriminating promises.  negative, only a reflex of a new situation. “We see today urgency
              Performances, posters and petitions were mustered, creating   for expression; things happen very fast, it is not like the case of
             an intersection between art and political protest, especially   Picasso’s Guernica, which was a response to a long war.” He also
             in face of an executive order, signed in February, that banned   mentions the social networks as an important mobilization tool,
             Muslims from entering the country.                  allowing people to take stances quickly. “Even with the rise of
             The British-Indian artist Anish Kapoor, for instance, conceived   politicians like Trump, there is no censorship and there is even space
             a work inspired in the poster of the iconic performance I Like   for people to express themselves. Earlier, criticism (by artists) over
             America and America Likes Me, by the German artist Joseph   a political context had to be expressed through the artwork itself,
             Beuys. Kapoor recreated the poster, adding his own image to   there was no other way.”
             the work and renaming it I Like America and America Doesn’t   Another element mentioned by the researcher is the emergence
             Like Me.                                            of several artist collectives: “This is not the time of an avant-
             Another important representative of contemporary art, Christo  garde pointing toward a single direction, these are several groups
             gave up on a project in the state of Colorado. The artist was   expressing themselves.” Rolnik also comments on this new situation:
             developing a silver awning that stretched along 68 kilometers   “Since the 1990s, activism started to distance itself from traditional
             over the Arkansas River. However, the work would benefit a   militancy and incorporate new forms. This takes place in several
             federal property, and after Trump took office, the artist decided   instances, including art. Today activism and art are interconnected.
             to stop the project, in which he had already invested €14 million.  It’s not like in the 1960s, when cultural practice was kept on one
             Other names such as Barbara Kruger, Richard Serra and Richard   side and militancy on the other.”
             Prince also manifested themselves.                  Chaia points out that it is increasingly harder to define what
             In addition to artists, several cultural institutions stood against   is art or politics. “They are polysemic concepts, any closed
             the actions of the current president. MoMA even removed from   definition is impossible. And what’s interesting is that today,
             their walls artworks from its permanent collection, replacing   just as art is approaching politics, the opposite is also true.
             them with works of artists from Muslim countries (Iran, Iraq,   Doria, for instance, is performing when he dresses as a street
             Libya, Somalia and Sudan), whose citizens were put on the   sweeper. And, even further, when he launches the Cidade Limpa
             banned list. Out of the fifth floor were Picasso, Matisse and   (Beautiful City) program, there’s a whole conception of aesthetic,
             Picabia; in, almost as an act of provocation, were works from  of beauty, which bears a very dangerous, authoritarian sense,”
             the Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid and the Sudanese painter   he claims.
             Ibrahim el-Salahi.                                  The topic of art as resistance will be on debate in the next edition
             In an interview to ARTE!Brasileiros, the sociologist Miguel Chaia   of TALKS, a series of debates organized by ARTE!Brasileiros in
             says he was surprised with the museum’s attitude. “Because they   partnership with SP-Arte. The event will be held on April 6–7 in the
             work inside the order, institutions tend to act as an element of   auditorium of the Bienal de São Paulo building. More information
             control. It’s the artists, not the museums that usually protest. But   will be available soon on the magazine website.
             there are moments of exception such as this one with MoMA.”
                                                                 1 |  UNTITLED (1963), BY IRANIAN ARTIST MARCOS GRIGORIAN
             This large amount of expressions brought once again into light  2 | OPPOSITE, POSTER PART OF THE SERIES WE THE PEOPLE, BY SHEPARD FAIREY. TOP, FRAME
             the idea of the place of art as a space of resistance. This was   FROM THE VIDEO CHIT CHAT (2007), BY IRANIAN ARTIST TALA MADANI
             present in numerous moments in history. In an interview to the
             magazine, the psychoanalyst Suely Rolnik says that art may be a  DOCUMENTA LEARNING FROM ATHENS | PAGES 40 AND 41
             form of militancy and serve as a vehicle for a political message.
             political potency. “In the Western, capitalist and colonized society,  DOCUMENTA EXPANDS
             However, there is a deeper dimension Rolnik calls the art’s
             potency. As a result, the only human activity in which is possible  ITS BOARDERS TO ATHENS
             we lost touch with traditional knowledge and nature’s creative
             to maintain this germination is art.” For the psychoanalyst
             resistance, therefore, lies in the very act of creation.  FOR THE FIRST TIME, TWO CITIES WILL HOUSE THE EXHIBITION HELD
             Rolnik points out that, still, with the consolidation of neoliberalism   EVERY FIVE YEARS; IN THIS EDITION, KASSEL, IN GERMANY, SHARES THE
             in the 1980s, the capital starts to appropriate even art. “Today
             the capital inserts itself much more subtly and perversely than   SHOW’S HEADQUARTERS WITH THE GREEK CAPITAL
             before. Because it feeds on the power of creation itself and,
             in this sense, art took a beating. When the artistic community   BY FABIO CYPRIANO
             realized it, it stirred things up, what remains to date.”
             Chaia agrees that what prevails now is a type of production   SPLIT BETWEEN ATHENS AND KASSEL, the documenta 14 opens
             that is close to activism. “The relationship between art and   on April 8 in the Greek capital, with several innovations in its format.
             politics depends on the historical moment. With the rise of   Held every five years in Kassel, Germany, the show has become
             Trump, and even Temer, we are facing a politicization of art.   the most important contemporary art event in the world,
             Today the artist is empowered as an activist and a citizen   precisely because it reconsiders the parameters of the meaning
             acting on the public space.”                        of an exhibition.

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