Page 105 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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URBAN ART SÃO PAULO | PAGES 30 TO 34                    of Thiago Noise, in the streets and even on the façades of
                                                                    buildings and houses. He lived there for only one year. He
            OUTSIDE THE MARGIN                                      returned to Grajaú one month ago, where his works are also
                                                                    very frequent.
                                                                    To Noise, one of the proposals of the exercise of graffiti is “to
            SÃO PAULO GRAFFITI ARTISTS DISCUSS ISSUES OF TERRITORY, THE   redesign the space where it is created” and also “to explore
            TRANSIT BETWEEN CENTER AND PERIPHERY AND INDICATE POSSIBILITIES   the city to be familiar with it,” as well as encouraging the
            OF DIALOGUE WITH THE CITY AND PUBLIC AUTHORITIES        sharing of experiences. He provides us concepts of territory
                                                                    which are very familiar for those who study contemporary
                                                                    art. He thinks, for instance, that moving around territories
            TEXT AND PHOTOS GUSTAVO FIORATTI                        is vital for the creative process of a work. “Graffiti is often
                                                                    a meeting of friends, a moment for mingling,” he explains.
            THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GRAFFITI and its public has    Drawings and murals made in partnership are common. “And
            something that makes it unique in the field of arts: created for public  often a drawing left unfinished by an artist is completed by
            places, urban interventions often surprise us. Those who attend   another,” he illustrates. Noise says he has copied his friends’
            galleries or museums need to prepare their sight beforehand. Those   works, signed them with a name that wasn’t his, photographed
            who walk the streets do not. The person may be drunk, stressed or  the drawing after being completed and sent it to its assumed
            carrying her groceries.                                 creator. Partaking and sharing undermines any possible search
            This text that readers have in their hands, however, was written with  for authorship – as if all authors were one.
            a less incisive proposal in mind about graffiti’s more unmistakable   Near the Carrão metro station is an emblematic example of the
            vocation. If Fernando Pessoa warned us that to navigate is necessary,  graffiti’s social power. On the wall of a house there is a drawing
            graffiti now shifts this beautiful verb from the naval lexicon to the   with at least three signatures: ABL (a wordplay with the Brazilian
            asphalt sea. Why not leave home to visit the city and pay attention  Academy of Letters), VIP (Vai i Pinta) and TK (todo canto crew).
            to what is said in it?                                  These are not signatures of artists, but of collectives. Nick
            The experience that resulted in this text stems from an itinerary   Alive, a graffiti artist who is a member of the last two groups,
            with five routes in the four regions of the city and in the downtown  tells that “crews represent ideas,” both concerning themes and
            area. There are marks of graffiti-makers in all corners of São Paulo,  aesthetic lines.
            in alleys and busy avenues, on buildings’ gables, under bridges,   Nick’s work was registered in the project Entre Linhas Urbanas
            in railways. It is a large army willing to face law enforcement and   (Between Urban Lines), a platform that maps works of graffiti
            public authorities.                                     artists across the regions of São Paulo on Instagram and which
            A rule seems to be essential to limit the artists’ preferred territories.   will result in a book. The project promotes 96 graffiti artists from
            Where there are more eyes passing by, there is more graffiti, as if   96 districts and was created by the independent art production
            this exchange bore some sort of signal: “people pass here.” The   agency Sê-Lo. To check it out, search online. Or walk the streets!
            downtown area and the Vila Madalena district became places full
            of artworks for its sheer demographic density and its vocation   1 |  GRAFFITI IN VILA MATILDE BY AN UNIDENTIFIED AUTHOR; THE SENTENCE “SAPOS
            for tourism and leisure. Cambuci and Grajaú, in the south zone,   ERRO” (ON THE TOP RIGHT CORNER) MAY INDICATE THAT THE ARTIST WALKS AROUND
            are specific cases: distant from the center, they wound up being   THE REGION OF AVENIDA SAPOPEMBA (SAPOS); ERRO REFERS TO THE TYPE OF
            populated by drawings for more emotional reasons, or simply   LETTERING USED
            because they are the birthplace and residency of leading characters
            of the São Paulo urban art. Important artists came out of these   2 | ABOVE, WORK BY THIAGO NOISE ON THE BALCONY OF A RESIDENCE IN CAMBUCI,
            districts: from the former, the duo osgêmeos; from the latter, Mauro   WHERE HE LIVED FOR A YEAR, UNTIL THE BEGINNING OF 2017; THE DISTRICT IS ALSO
            Neri and Thiago Noise, among others.                    KNOWN FOR BEING THE “BIRTHPLACE” OF THE DUO OSGÊMEOS. RIGHT, ALSO BY AN
            When Mauro Neri writes “what we choose to see in the city,” he   UNIDENTIFIED AUTHOR, GRAFFITI IN THE DISTRICT OF CAMBUCI, IN THE SOUTH ZONE
            proposes to “look into the political peculiarities of artistic occupation  OF SÃO PAULO; WAREHOUSES AND OLD RESIDENCES MAKE UP THE LANDSCAPE
            in the landscape,” as he explains in a video that is part of his project
            Cartografitti, a geographic documentation.               3 | IMAGE OF THREE WORKS IN THE NORTH ZONE OF SÃO PAULO, IN SANTANA, REVEALS
            Neri is also the author of the sentence-word-poem “veracidade”,   THAT GRAFFITI ARTISTS USUALLY ACT COLLECTIVELY AND IN SYNCH WITH EACH OTHER’S
            which he has been inscribing on walls since 2007 and that contains   PRODUCTIONS
            a verb, an article and a noun (the wordplay means both “veracity”
            and “see the city”).                                    INTERNATIONAL ART AND POLITICS | PAGES 36 TO 39
            He has conducted over 300 interventions around the capital,
            2010 through 2015, as he explains to ARTE!Brasileiros. The project  ACTION AND RESISTANCE
            including peripheral areas or city limits, all of them made from
            subverts the criteria of choosing places with higher visibility, since
            it is not the place that makes the drawing more visible in his work;  PROTESTS, POSTERS AND MANIFESTOS SHOW UP ONCE AGAIN IN THE
            it is the drawing that draws attention to derelict areas, or regions   STREETS OF NEW YORK AFTER TRUMP TOOK OFFICE; RESEARCHER
            that are undergoing a deterioration process.
            Exercising art in the public space, to him, also triggers varied   INDICATES A PHENOMENON OF APPROXIMATION BETWEEN ACTIVISM
            political situations, resulting in meetings among artists, passersby   AND ART IN BRAZIL AS WELL
            and, in a more conflicting situation, artists and the police. The
            dialogue, to him, seems as crucial as the interventions he proposes,   BY MARIANA TESSITORE
            as may be attested in the videos of the Cartografitti project.
            The incidence of graffiti in one region can also reveal that that   IN 1970, A GROUP of artists took to the streets of New York to
            place is part of the path of an artist – or a group of artists. Walking  protest against the Vietnam War and the death of six black men in
            around the Cambuci district today reveals a strong presence   the streets of Augusta, Georgia. Called Art Strike, the movement

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