Page 101 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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               CONTENTS | PAGE 17                                   COLLABORATORS | PAGE 14

               18 AROUND                                            ISSUE 38 MARCH APRIL 2017 BRASILEIROS.COM.BR
               Claudia Andujar and Jonathas de Andrade exhibitions, and other news
               20 EPISODES OF THE SOUTH                             Diego Rousseaux, photographer from Buenos Aires living in
               Meeting in Johannesburg discusses the new fields of action of museums  Brazil since 2001. Rousseaux is also a chef and an amateur
                                                                    carpenter. For this issue, he photographed the exhibition Avenida
               26 HERITAGE                                          Paulista, on show at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis
               Interventions to the Monumento às Bandeiras spark debates    Chateaubriand (MASP).
               on the city’s memory
               30 URBAN ART                                         Maria Hirszman, journalist and art critic, she worked on
               Graffiti artists from São Paulo talk about the shift between the city’s   Jornal da Tarde and O Estado de S. Paulo. She is a researcher
               central and peripheral areas                         in Art History and holds a Master’s degree from the School of
               36 ART AND POLITICS                                  Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo. The
               After Donald Trump took office, protests, posters and manifestos    journalist wrote a piece on the exhibition Anita Malfatti – 100
               take the streets of American cities                  Anos de Arte Moderna.
               40 DOCUMENTA
               For the first time, two cities will house the exhibition held every five years  Peter Pál Pelbart, philosopher, is a professor at the Department
               42 SP-ARTE                                           of Philosophy and the Nucleus for Subjectivity Studies of
               In its 13th edition, the fair promotes works by artists who were    the Post-Graduate School in Clinical Psychology at PUC-SP.
                                                                    Researcher and translator of the work of Gilles Deleuze, in this
               born before 1950
                                                                    issue he tells the story of the Ueinzz Theater Company.

                                                                    Simonetta Persichetti, journalist, holds a Master’s degree in
               44 ANITA MALFATTI                                    Communication and Arts and a Doctorate in Social Psychology
               Exhibition revisits the artist’s role in the modernist movement  from PUC-SP. She has published the books Imagens da Fotografia
               48 AVENIDA PAULISTA                                  Brasileira I and II (Images from the Brazilian Photography I and
               Show presents views by different artists on one of the city’s main avenues  II). In this issue, Persichetti writes about the opening of Museu
               52 PLACES OF DELIRIUM                                da Fotografia in Fortaleza, Ceará.
               Relationship between madness and art is the theme of the exhibition
               at Museu de Arte do Rio                              Celso Oliveira is a photographer. He collaborated on several
               60 REFLECTION                                        newspaper and magazines such as Veja, IstoÉ, Visão, Tênis
               Peter Pál Pelbart writes about the Ueinzz Theater Company, which    Esporte, O Globo and O Povo, from Fortaleza. In partnership
               takes part in the exhibition Lugares do Delírio (Places of Delirium)  with a group of photographers, he developed in the 1990s the
                                                                    project Brasil Sem Fronteiras (Brazil Without Borders). For this
               64 OFFER COMPANY                                     issue, Silva registered the works at Museu da Fotografia.
               Anna Costa e Silva exhibits registers of 33 meetings she held with strangers
               In 2003, an exhibition sparked conflicts among powerful    CRAVO NETO. REPRODUCTION CELSO OLIVEIRA
               characters and artists in Panama
                                                                    AROUND | PAGES 18 AND 19
               NEW SPACES
               72 USINA                                             FRANKFURT
               Project in Pernambuco turns an old mill into an open-air art workshop  ANDUJAR UNDER LINA’S PERSPECTIVE

                                                                    Known  for  her  engagement  on  the  native  cause,  the
               76 MUSEU DA FOTOGRAFIA
               Photographic archive with two thousand pieces from the collector    photographer Claudia Andujar wins a solo show in Frankfurt,
                                                                    Germany. The exhibition, on show at the MMK Museum für
               Silvio Frota gets its own building in Fortaleza      Moderne Kunst, features an overview of the artist’s career,
               84 POINT OF VIEW                                     who was born in Switzerland and is naturalized Brazilian.
               Ivo Mesquita talks about his curatorship to Museu da Fotografia’s    One of the show’s peculiar features is that the works are shown
               inaugural show                                       on glass easels, supports created by Lina Bo Bardi for MASP
               86 INDEPENDENT MARKET                                in 1968. In the curatorial text, the exhibition design is defined
               Collections of alternative publications boost independent fairs  as a “form of presentation that emphasizes the dialogic
                                                                    character of Andujar’s photographs, shown at the eye level.”
               BOOK                                                 The main work is the series Marcados (Marked), produced
               90 HENRIQUE OLIVEIRA                                 between 1981 and 1984. Exhibited for the first time on the
               Publication documents the artist’s career and his creative process  27th Bienal, the series comprises 113 portraits used to register
               94 REVIEW                                            the vaccination process of the Ianomamis in the 1980s. In it,
               Book about Inhotim and Ana Maria Tavares exhibition, among others  the photographer compares the registers of the natives with
                                                                    listings of the prisoners from the Nazi concentration camps.
               1 | DETAIL FROM THE WORK NOVOS COSTUMES – MÁSCARA DE TRAMAS E VENTOSAS   In addition to the images with groups of natives, the exhibition
               (NEW COSTUMES – MASK WITH MESH AND SUCTION CUPS), BY LAURA LIMA, FROM THE   presents some of Andujar’s lesser-known works. There are
               EXHIBITION LUGARES DO DELÍRIO, MUSEU DE ARTE DO RIO  registers from the photographer of the everyday life and the

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