Page 104 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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             the museum partners with social workers; I always say that art  “The history of São Paulo places bandeirantes as heroes, but
             should foster people, and I felt it there.”         to us they represent the opposite, having persecuted and killed
             The artist spent two weeks in Medellín in the late 2016, working  our ancestors. It is a regrettable heritage that continues to date
             with the group on a daily basis. “One of them lost her mother   inside the Congress’ rural bench. With our intervention, we
             at two and the father at eight years old and grew up alone in   wanted to draw attention to this unchanging situation,” claims
             the streets. So they fall in love with whoever shows care and   Tupã.
             attention for them,” she explains.                  This year, another group conducted an action in front of the
             In a open interpretation of art history, Nador sees great familiarity  monument. Invited by São Paulo’s Bureau of Culture, the
             between a project such as Museum and Territories and what is   collective SP Safari promoted a meeting to reflect on the city’s
             considered a site-specific, that is, a work designed for a specific  history from Brecheret’s work. One the action’s creators, Renato
             place, “After all, site-specific is when the artist sets foot on the  Cymbalista,  professor  at  the  School  of  Architecture  and
             ground and starts to worry with their surroundings.”  Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, comments on the
                                                                 topic’s complexity.
                                                                 “During talks we addressed the several possible interpretations
             HERITAGE INTERVENTION | PAGES 26 TO 28              of the work. We talked about Brecheret’s career, the monument’s
                                                                 history, whose construction was halted during the Estado Novo
             MONUMENT WITH                                       period and only inaugurated in 1953, the figure of the bandeirantes
                                                                 and the protests of natives.” The urbanist defends the need to
             NO DIALOGUE                                         discuss the meaning of the monument with society: “It has been
                                                                 built to praise the figure of the bandeirante in a way that can no
                                                                 longer be done today,” he says.
             INTERVENTIONS WITH PAINT ON THE MONUMENTO ÀS BANDEIRAS,   The artist Guto Lacaz, in turn, is a self-declared fan of the work,
             BY BRECHERET, CREATES A CONFLICT BETWEEN GROUPS FOR THE   which has inspired his book called O Roubo do Monumento às
             WORK PRESERVATION AND THOSE WHO SEE IN IT A CELEBRATION   Bandeiras (The Theft of the Monumento às Bandeiras). In the
                                                                 fiction, the sculpture decided to take a walk around the world to
             OF THE MEN WHO DECIMATED NATIVES DURING COLONIZATION   know humanity’s landmarks. “The book is a joke. I wanted to discuss
                                                                 how monuments are underestimated, so much so that, in the end,
             BY MARIANA TESSITORE                                the work comes back and nowhere to stand because they built a
                                                                 shopping mall in its place,” he observes.
             DURING THE CAMPAIGN FOR THE ELECTIONS for mayor of   Lacaz doesn’t think the monument must be demolished. “Honestly,
             São Paulo, the then candidate João Doria (PSDB) shot a video   I think these people just don’t get it. Of course the bandeiras have
             in front of the Monumento às Bandeiras. He condemned the   a cruel side, as do all winning sides in history. This way, there’s not
             “graffiti ravaging” of the work, which on the night of September  a single monument that will be left standing, everything is part of
             29 was painted red by a couple, as caught by the city hall’s   the game of power. From this perspective, the saints, the Coliseum
             security camera. On the same night, the sculpture of Borba   and even the Christ the Redeemer itself would be demolished, there
             Gato, another bandeirante (colonial explorers) was also painted  would be nothing left,” he claims.
             with the same colors.                               Tupã believes that, for everything that the work represents for
             In January, Doria took office as mayor of São Paulo, kickstarting  native communities, it could indeed be destroyed. “This would be
             with a contentious action of wall-cleaning, erasing graffitis and   the best solution. But, since this is a complex matter, I believe there
             sprayed words. But what was left from the episode, whose main  should be, at least, an explanatory plate telling the natives’ history.”
             character was the Monumento às Bandeiras, a city landmark,   The possibility of conciliation is also mentioned by Cymbalista: “We
             was another debate, beyond the issue that split those in favor of   don’t have to say that the bandeirantes were the best people in the
             graffiti or the measures carried out by the public authorities. The   world and don’t have to advocate for the sculpture’s destruction as
             graffiting of Brecheret’s work bore a second political intention,   well. As a society, we should come up with better responses than
             even more specific, since Victor Brecheret’s work pays tribute   this polarization. I can experience the sculpture with the entire
             to the colonial pioneers.                           complexity it triggers.”
             Conceived in the 1920s, the sculpture was inaugurated over   Even acknowledging the legitimacy of the interventions, the
             30 years later, in 1953, on the city’s 400th anniversary. The  urbanist argues that the role of the public authorities is to ensure
             monument is composed of 240 blocks of granite, each   the monument’s preservation. “The State must safeguard the work.
             weighing 50 tonnes. It depicts the bandeirantes, controversial   Only, it cannot pretend there is nothing going on. It must come
             characters of the history of São Paulo, at times linked to   up with solutions. For instance, creating a managing counsel and
             the country’s progress, at others to the decimation of native  allow the natives to conduct an intervention and tell their version
             groups.                                             of history. The government must set the monument in motion,
             As  a  result  of  this  controversy,  Brecheret’s  work  has  its   otherwise it will indeed be destroyed.”
             champions and its critics. The coordinator of the Guarani Yvyrupá   Tupã points out the discomfort of not seeing himself represented in
             Commission, Marcos Tupã, comments on the work’s significance   a city landmark: “I believe this monument should not be considered
             to native communities. “To us, this monument represents   a public heritage, since it is an offense to a portion of society. It is
             an offense, just as highways named after bandeirantes, like   very unpleasant to know that something considered public demeans
             Anhanguera and Raposo Tavares”, he points out.      us. To us, the monument evokes a painful and sad memory.”
             In 2013, the group mustered by Tupã held a demonstration
             against the Constitutional Amendment 215, which proposed the   1 | CITY HALL EMPLOYEES REMOVE PAINT FROM INTERVENTION CONDUCTED ON THE
             withdrawal of the autonomy of protection of native land from   MONUMENTO ÀS BANDEIRAS
             the executive government and transfer it to the Congress. The
             act also led demonstrators to paint, also in red, the Monumento  2 | IMAGES FROM THE BOOK O ROUBO DO MONUMENTO ÀS BANDEIRAS (THE THEFT OF THE
             às Bandeiras, similar to last year’s action.        MONUMENTO ÀS BANDEIRAS), BY ARTIST GUTO LACAZ

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