Page 111 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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EXHIBITION RIO DE JANEIRO | PAGES 60 TO 62              and women, it was neither divided between crazy and sane,
                                                                    good and evil, fast and slow, black and white, smart and dumb,
            A WORLD TO COME                                         modern and primitive, crude and sensitive, supporters of São
                                                                    Paulo and Corinthians soccer teams. Ultimately, everything
                                                                    was much more mixed than God had made them believe.
            “AND THEY REALIZED THAT THE EARTH WAS NOT ONLY POPULATED   They also discovered that the Earth was not the not only
            BY MAN AND WOMAN. THERE WERE GAY ADAMS, LESBIAN EVES,   planet to be populated and habitable. They felt free to go out
            BISEXUALS, TRANSSEXUALS, TRANSGENDERS, COUNTERSEXUALS,   in search of other planets, to build mighty starships, to cross
                                                                    the universe from side to side. And so they discovered that
            THERE WERE ALL KINDS”                                   this universe is not the sole one. And they regularly visited
                                                                    other worlds, parallel worlds, virtual worlds, impossible worlds,
            BY PETER PÁL PELBART                                    inscrupossible worlds. And they started to see other gods, less
                                                                    vain or vindictive or exclusive than the God of Abraham, Greek
            DECADES AGO, Fernand Deligny proposed a single situation as a   gods, Roman gods, Indian gods, Egyptian Gods, Tupiniquim
            play’s script: in a certain troupe, there were more people than roles.  divinities, Ianomami entities. And they caught a glimpse of
            So, the actors were supposed to rotate roles. When I came across   many spirits prowling their surroundings. Beings that were
            this script, as plain as an egg, I could not resist the urge to bring it   minute, luminous, splendorous, with tiny little dicks, poured
            to Cia. Teatral Ueinzz. After all, is it not what we see every instant   from the sky like silver rain and gleefully danced around them,
            in every corner, whether we consider the distribution of income,   repopulating the world and helping them cure the ill ones. Men
            jobs, natural resources, in a city or on the planet? Are we not all   discovered that, even expelled from Paradise, or precisely as
            virtually disposable? And is there anything more appropriate for a  a result of this, they were capable of multiple ecstasies and
            group like ours, made up of “close-call” lives?         joyful mysteries, unspeakable crimes and numinous solidarities,
            But how it would be possible to imagine that our schizogroup, with  zero gravity and sidereal joys.”
            its inventiveness, ability to improvise and biased appropriation,   As Erika Inforsato expressed it, this reasonably threaded
            could follow to the letter a script without completely twisting it?   prologue gave viewers the illusion of a cohesive, coherent
            Indeed, at the end of the creative process, Gravidade Zero (Zero   narrative, freeing them to enjoy what came afterwards without
            Gravity) encompassed nothing less than the History of the Universe,   worrying about “understanding” whatever it was, because
            from the Big Bang and Adam and Eve to the demise of humanity,   there is nothing to understand. This is where the true theatrical
            the planet Earth and the world itself (it was when the book by   adventure begins, when we give up comprehension to enter into
            Eduardo Viveiros de Castro and Débora Danowski was launched: Is  a different sphere, time of the affectation, of multiple worlds
            There a World to Come?). Amidst such thematic expansion, various   and multiple times.
            planets kept coming up during rehearsals, as if the actors posed a
            counter-argument to Deligny’s script: there weren’t enough roles   This  excerpt  was  taken  from  a  brochure  published  in
            for everyone in this world, but why denying that there could be   Amsterdam on the occasion of the tour of Cia Teatral Ueinzz
            other worlds, where everyone had a role?                that comprised a series of performances of the play Zero
            Ultimately, we would have to take seriously what there arose   Gravity, by invitation of If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to be Part
            theatrically: in a world where God is dead and unable to guarantee   of Your Revolution, in December 2016, titled Ueinzz Theater
            its unity, not even if ours is the best of possible worlds, as Leibniz   Company: Cosmopolitical Delay.
            would say, we may inhabit several worlds. Not a universe, but a
            pluriverse, Deleuze would say.                          1 |  UEINZZ MIX #22 (O TARADO DE COPACABANA) PEDRO FRANÇA, COLLAGE AND PAINTING
            Colazzi, an elderly man, passed away in the process of assembling   ON WOOD AND GLASS. COLLECTION OF THE ARTIST
            the play, he who was our most inspired narrator, who for years lived
            as if he was bound to die each day, and with his trembling voice   2 | “UEINZZ (1997) IS A THEATRICAL TERRITORY FOR THOSE WHO FEEL THE WORLD
            would reveal some of existence’s most abysmal shivering. This way,  FALTERING. AS IN KAFKA, THOSE WHO MAKE SEASICKNESS ON SOLID GROUND AN ELEMENT
            I was charged with reading the play’s prologue, which went like this: FOR POETIC AND POLITICAL TRANSMUTATION. IN THE ENSEMBLE, THERE ARE MASTERS
            “In the beginning there was Chaos, Tohu Vavohu. There was the   IN THE ART OF CLAIRVOYANCE, WITH CONFIRMED KNOWLEDGE IN IMPROVISATION
            Earth, shapeless and empty. Shadows covered the face of the abyss,  AND NEOLOGISM; SPECIALISTS IN MARITIME ENCYCLOPEDIAS, FRUSTRATED TRAPEZE
            and God’s spirit moved over the face of the waters. Only sparks   ARTISTS, DREAM HUNTERS, INTERPRETATIVE ACTRESSES. THERE ARE ALSO INVENTORS
            crossed darkness, bright lightning, explosions, implosions, abysses,   OF THE POMBA GIRA, MUSICAL INCOGNITOS, BREWMASTERS AND NASCENT BEINGS.
            waters floating all around... Then God said: Let there be light, and   CLOSE-CALL LIVES EXPERIMENTING WITH ONE ANOTHER IN AESTHETIC PRACTICES
            it was so; God said: Let there be Let there be a firmament and let   AND TRANSATLANTIC COLLABORATIONS. COMMUNITY OF THE COMMUNITYLESS, FOR
            it divide the waters from the waters, and it was so; God said: Let   A COMMUNITY TO COME.” PEDRO FRANÇA, ARTIST
            there be earth, and it was so; God said: Let there be fishes, animals,
            birds; God said: Let us make man in our image and likeness. And   3 | CIA. TEATRAL UEINZZ: LEFT, INTRODUÇÃO, 2015, VIDEO 5’30”; TOP, SEQUÊNCIA,
            God created man and woman. And He saw that everything He had  2015, VIDEO 7’30”
            made was good. And he placed man and woman in Paradise, but
            forbid them to eat the fruit of wisdom. However, Adam and Eve   EXHIBITION SÃO PAULO | PAGES 64 TO 66
            did eat the apple, and thus discovered transgression and freedom.
            of insubordination, nudity and shame, the desire and the sublime  IN SEARCH OF COMPANY
            The discovered the pleasure of disobedience, the voluptuousness
            sins, murder and sacrilege, punishment and escape, heresy and
            pleasure. And they realized that the Earth was not only populated by   ON AN EXHIBITION AT SUPERFÍCIE GALLERY, ANNA COSTA E SILVA
            man and woman. There were Gay Adams, Lesbian Eves, Bisexuals,   EXHIBITS REGISTERS OF 33 MEETINGS SHE HELD WITH STRANGERS
            Transsexuals, Transgenders, Countersexuals, there were every
            kind. And just as the world was not divided only between men   BY MARIANA TESSITORE

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