Page 113 - ARTE!Brasileiros #38
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Andrés Milanés, Jesús Palomino, Humberto Vélez and Gu Xiong, the   areas. The project aims at opening production fronts linked
            responsible for the feats, mostly comprised of new pieces. He had   to cultural activities, introducing the debate between the old
            previously visited both Panama and the two curators who, in turn,   and the contemporary, while also seeking to bring teacher and
            wanted to give the message: working on Panama City, considering it  students closer and to lead the region’s young residents into
            a multiple, diverse and diffuse entity. Every non-Panamanian artist   new professional experiences.
            was accompanied by a local young artist and by several collaborators.   There is a parallel with Instituto Cultural Inhotim, founded by
            Among the works shown that month in 2003 were: the 150 ice blocks  Bernardo Paz in Minas Gerais, and Fundação Edson Queiroz, in
            installed by Juan Andrés Milanés for Panamanian boys and girls to  Fortaleza, managed by the collector Airton Queiroz. The works
            play, sliding on their surfaces; the minutes of silence called by Francis   produced at Usina also sprawl throughout open-air spaces, in
            Alÿs and Rafael Ortega (the second minute of silence coincided   direct relation to the land’s fauna and natural resources. The
            with a bombing in Baghdad, a fact that added to the meaning of   project’s intention is to establish a dialogue between experienced
            the happening); and Brooke Alfaro’s complex initiative, who worked   and novice artists.
            for over a year with the members of two rival gangs from Barraza,   Among  the  most  well-known  ones  is  Hugo  França,  who
            one of the city’s poorest and most dangerous districts, shooting   kickstarted the project developing his pieces outdoors with
            videos of the members and projecting them on buildings. The work,  local manpower and materials. He was the one who suggested to
            titled Nueve, was followed by citizens who had never come close   Ricardo Queiroz that the project should be open to other artists.
            to those districts and passionately mentioned by gang members,   In this perspective, the Usina (Mill) features works made by six
            who reconciled.                                         artists – in addition to Rufino (the curator), Paulo Meira, Marcelo
            Those who were divided because of art were the public authorities  Silveira, Márcio Almeida, Francisco Brennand and Paulo Bruscky.
            and part of the private sector. Three of the panels, which criticized  There are also two artists who completed a residency inside
            the political system, made by Ghada Amer, were removed in the   the project: Vanderlei Lopes and Laís Myrrha – she participated
            nighttime, illegally, despite having been granted all necessary   in  the  latest  edition  of  Bienal  de  São  Paulo  last  year.
            authorizations. Five of the then panels conceived by Gustavo Araújo  The use of the building’s entire ground floor results in a
            (those that read the local modish slang “Things Are Tough”) were   workshop with groups experimenting with painting, sculpture,
            taken down after pressure by entrepreneurs, who believed the   collage. In total, there are six floors with huge windows.
            sentence went against their interests. Jesús Palomino built huts   The botanical garden, with 29,000 hectares, and not yet
            that were removed, because property owners thought they were   fully formed, has received 4,000 species of the native
            built by the homeless.                                  Atlantic Forest. The aim is to obtain 35,000 specimens of
            Perhaps the most bizarre case was the one involving Cildo   plants from outside of Brazil, under the orientation of the
            Meireles.  His  work  Panamini  was  to  comprise  a  small  boat   biologist Eduardo Gomes Gonçalves, who collaborated in
            that  would  cross  the  Panama  Canal.  Authorities  denied   the development of Inhotim. According to the creators of
            permission  and,  additionally,  the  entrepreneur  responsible   the Usina, the relationship between the artistic production
            for the boat’s construction, Chris Rabito, fled with the money   and the environment will be closer when compared to the
            without delivering the work – yet another Panamanian pirate.    institution of Minas Gerais. “We won’t build art galleries as
            The curator Adrienne Samos gave a speech afterwards about this  in Inhotim. We want pieces that resist time and get involved
            urban art event, mentioning the abuses the artists went through,   with the environment, creatively,” Ricardo explains.
            and claiming that such facts “exposed the repressive disposition of   The high point of the program open to the general public is the
            the many instances of power in this society: more than managers   festival Usina houses in the second semester, and which this
            of the public space, they are its owners and masters, or servants   year comes to its third edition. Two curators share with Ricardo
            to these owners and masters. The works of CiudadMULTIPLEcity   and his wife the challenges of the Festival Arte na Usina (Art in
            served to expose these hideous realities.”              the Mill Festival), which was created in 2015: together with José
                                                                    Rufino, Fábio Delduque collaborates in the project. He already
            1 |  INTERVENCIÓN EN EL MUSEO DE HISTORIA (2003), PERFORMANCE BY GUSTAVO ARTIGAS  worked with several attending artists, including Leda Catunda,
                                                                    Laura Vinci, Kleber Mendonça Filho, Hélder Vasconcelos and
            2 |  BUHONEROS Y PRECARISTAS (2003), JESÚS PALOMINO     Luiz Braga. This year, Saint Clair Cemin, Sandra Cinto, Marcelo
                                                                    Moscheta and Renata de Melo are expected.
                                                                    PERNAMBUCO IDENTITY
            MILL OF IDEAS                                           The spirit of decentralization of the Brazilian culture comes to
                                                                    the forefront in Pernambuco. In the 1990s, its artists reinvented
                                                                    the Brazilian music with the Mangue Beat movement; in the
            PROJECT TURNS AN OLD PERNAMBUCO SUGAR CANE MILL INTO AN   following decade, cinema snatched international prizes; in the
            OPEN-AIR ART WORKSHOP AND AN ARENA FOR ARTISTIC RESIDENCIES   visual arts, artists, curators and institutions from Recife capture
                                                                    the attention of foreign critics, such as Charles Esche, the
            BY LEONOR AMARANTE                                      curator to the 31st Bienal de São Paulo. “Of Brazil, the only
                                                                    state that surprises me today with its novelty and uniqueness is
            SHUT DOWN TWENTY YEARS AGO, the Santa Terezinha sugar   Pernambuco,” Esche praises, when he showed support for Ocupe
            cane mill gradually lost the title of symbol of Pernambuco’s opulence   Estelita (Occupy Estelita), a political demonstration that defended
            to become the opposite, an open field for art workshops and artist  a historical area in Recife threatened by property speculation.
            residencies. The initiative came from the entrepreneur Ricardo
            Pessoa de Queiroz, the great-grandson of the mill’s first owner, and  1 | THE PHOTOGRAPHER LUIZ BRAGA REGISTERS A PERFORMANCE BY THE CHOREOGRAPHER
            his wife, Bruna. The curatorship is signed by the artist José Rufino.   LUCIANA BRITES IN THE 2016 EDITION OF FESTIVAL ARTE NA USINA (ART IN THE MILL
            This team is transforming the place, located in Pernambuco’s Coastal  FESTIVAL)
            Plain (Zona da Mata), in workshops where creativity extends to
            the community of five thousand people living in its surrounding   2 | WORK BY HUGO FRANÇA AT USINA SANTA TEREZINHA

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